Monday, October 31, 2011

White-bellied Sea Eagle

White-bellied Sea Eagle
Flying Animal | White-bellied Sea Eagle | Haliaeetus leucogaster | The White-bellied Sea-Eagle is a large raptor that has long, broad wings and a short, wedge-shaped tail. It measures 75–85 cm in length, and has a wingspan of 180–220 cm. Females weigh between 2.8 and 4.2 kg, and are larger than the males, which weigh between 2.5 and 3.7 kg. The plumage of adult birds is predominantly white and grey. The head, breast and belly, and the feathering on the legs, are white. The back and upper surfaces of the wings are grey, although the wings have black tips. The undersides of the wings are greyish-black around the distal edges, with a smaller area of white along the leading edge. The tail is grey at the base, and has a white tip. The bill is bluish-grey with a blackish tip, the iris is dark brown, and the legs and feet are a cream colour.
The juveniles differ from the adults in appearance in having predominantly dark brown plumage on the upper parts, except for the creamy colouring on the head, and creamy markings over the rest of the upper parts. The underside of the body is a similar colour to the upper parts, but becomes paler with wear. The under side of the wing is patterned with a mixture of orange-buff, white, dark brown and dark grey. There is a gradual transition from the brown and cream plumage of juvenile birds to the white and grey plumage of the adults. This transition is completed across a series of moults, over a period of several years. The White-bellied Sea-Eagle is generally seen singly or in pairs, though it may occasionally congregate around sites where food is abundant.

White-bellied Sea Eagle

Shrill cries like a hornbill and crows' ah-ah-ah-.... "

Habitat and Habits
Albatross habitat is usually in areas close to water. While foraging habits are circling in the water areas, large lakes, large rivers and swamps. Frequently visit the coastal areas until the area reaches 3000 m.

White-bellied Sea Eagle

Food quite varied, but not all types of food eaten by this species. Likesfood is a type of sea snakes turtles and sea turtle child. Water birds such as sea Shearing, petrel, gulls, frigate, and cangak pecuk. Types of mammals that eat normally in general types of domestic rodents like mice.

White-bellied Sea Eagle

Breeding season at the Sea Eagles on the island of Borneo and Southeast Asia between the months of January to June. In Java and Sulawesi breeding season usually occurs in the month of May to October. In Java, in the Thousand Islands, mating and breeding season is a month from May to October.

White-bellied Sea Eagle

When entering the breeding season, sea eagle pair will build a nest on tall trees among other trees. Nest material usually consists of twigs, dry wood, foliage checkers sometimes seaweed. Large nest with a width of about 1meter long and can reach 1.65 meters. If used continuously, the nest can reach a height of about 2-3meter.

White-bellied Sea Eagle

The White-bellied Sea Eagle is listed under the marine and migratory categories which give it protected status under Australia's federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. As a mainly coastal species, it is vulnerable to habitat destruction in Australia's increasingly populated and urbanised coastal areas, particularly in the south and east of the country, where it appears to have declined in numbers. However, there may have been an increase in population inland, secondary to the creation of reservoirs, dams and weirs, and the spread of the introduced common carp (Cyprinus carpio). However, it is rare along the Murray River where it was once common. It is also listed as Threatened under Victoria's Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act (1988), with possibly fewer than 100 breeding pairs remaining in the state. On the 2007 advisory list of threatened vertebrate fauna in Victoria, the White-bellied Sea-eagle is listed as vulnerable.

White-bellied Sea Eagle