Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cendrawasih Raja

Cendrawasih Raja

Flying Animal | Cendrawasih Raja | Cicinnurus regius | They are found in eastern Indonesia, Torres Strait Islands, Papua New Guinea, and eastern Australia. Bird family members are known for the male bird feathers in many species, especially the fur is very long and complex that grows from the beak, wings or head. The size of Paradise birds of paradise from the King at 50 grams and 15 cm to Paradise Part-sickle Black at 110 cm-Crest and Paradise Manukod-rolled at 430 grams.
Birds who earned the nickname bird paradise that once the population is pretty much in the woods irja, but as it continues to be hunted population is now finally dropped dramatically and is difficult to find.

Other animal species that does not exist in other parts of Indonesia is a type of insect that is a giant butterfly (orniphaptera paradisea) or better known as the butterfly goliat with great physique as well as along the wing span of 40 cm. These types of butterflies live only in the mountains Arfak Manokwari. Two years ago raksasan butterfly population is very small due to arrest people for sale to collectors of butterflies from Japan.

Cendrawasih Raja
Relationship with Humans
Communities in Papua paradise often wear fur in clothing and customs, and a few centuries ago it is important to be made fur hats women in Europe. Poaching for fur and habitat destruction have led to decrease in the number of birds in several species to a level destruction of habitat due to deforestation is now the main threat.
Cendrawasih Raja

Hunting birds of paradise to be taken to trade fur hats rampant in the late 19th and early 20th century (Cribb 1997), but now the birds are protected and hunting is only allowed for the celebration of the needs of the local tribes. In the case of Paradise Bannerman, it is advisable to take from the home nest Namdur. When King Mahendra of Nepal ascended the throne in 1955, was the bird of paradise feathers on the crown of the kingdom of Nepal need to be replaced. Since the hunting ban, finally allowed the replacement of items that were confiscated by the laws of the United States.

Adult birds of paradise depicted on the flag of Papua New Guinea. David Attenborough has said some birds of paradise as a kind of favorite animals, maybe he liked Paradise Baldy.

Cendrawasih Raja
Klasifikasi ilmiah. Kerajaan: Animalia; Filum: Chordata; Kelas: Aves; Ordo: Passeriformes; Famili: Paradisaeidae; Genus: Lycocorax,